- date: Sept. 8
- clothing: at last image captured by security cameras appears to be wearing black and green
- school: Yale
- personal: a bride to be married the day she disappeared
Annie Le Suspect: Yale Slaying Looks Like An Inside Job
NEW HAVEN, Conn. — Clues increasingly pointed to an inside job Monday in the slaying of a Yale graduate student whose body was found stuffed inside a wall five days after she vanished from a heavily secured lab building accessible only to university employees.Police on Monday sought to calm fears on the Ivy League campus, saying the death of 24-year-old Annie Le was a targeted act but would not say why anyone would want to kill the young woman just days before she was to be married.
"We're not believing it's a random act," said officer Joe Avery, a police spokesman. No one else is in danger, he said, though he would not provide details other than to say that police believe no other students were involved. He also denied reports that police had a suspect in custody.
Several news organizations reported that police were interviewing a possible suspect who failed a polygraph test and has defensive wounds on his body. Avery denied those reports.
ABC News, WNBC-TV, The New Haven Register and the New Haven Independent cited anonymous sources in their reports. The Register and WNBC-TV also identify the possible suspect as a lab technician.
Yale officials said the building where Le worked would reopen under increased security. Still, some students worried about their safety.
"I'm not walking at nights by myself anymore," said student Natoya Peart, 21, of Jamaica. "It could happen to anyone, anytime, anywhere."
Michael Vishnevetsky, 21, of New York, said he did not feel safe when he made a late trip to his lab Sunday in a different building. "It felt very different than how I usually felt," he said.Twenty-year-old Muneeb Sultan said he's shocked that a killing could take place in a secure Yale building.
"It's a frightening idea that there's a murderer walking around on campus," said Sultan, a chemistry student.
Police found Le's body about 5 p.m. Sunday, the day she was to marry Columbia University graduate student Jonathan Widawsky, lovingly referred to on her Facebook page as "my best friend." The couple met as undergraduates at the University of Rochester and were eagerly awaiting their planned wedding on Long Island.
Police have said Widawsky is not a suspect and helped detectives in their investigation.
The building where the body was found is part of the university medical school complex about a mile from Yale's main campus. It is accessible to Yale personnel with identification cards. Some 75 video surveillance cameras monitor all doorways.
The body was found in the basement in the wall chase – a deep recess where utilities and cables run between floors. The basement houses rodents, mostly mice, used for scientific testing by multiple Yale researchers, said Robert Alpern, dean of the Yale University School of Medicine.
Le was part of a research team headed by her faculty adviser, Anton Bennett. According to its Web site, the Bennett Laboratory was involved in enzyme research that could have implications in cancer, diabetes and muscular dystrophy. Bennett declined to comment Monday on the lab or Le's involvement with it.
Le's office was on the third floor of the five-story building, where authorities found her wallet, keys, money and purse.
Campus officials have said that the security network recorded Le entering the building by swiping her ID card about 10 a.m. Tuesday. She was never seen leaving.
Yale closed the building Monday so police could complete their investigation, according to a message sent to Yale students and staff. Scientists are being allowed in only to conduct essential research projects, and only under the supervision of a police officer.
Police activity continued at the crime scene early Monday evening, as uniformed officers with police dogs and workers wearing white suits to protect them from hazardous materials went in and out of the building.
When the building reopens, there will be extra security both inside and outside, said Yale Secretary and Vice President Linda Lorimer.
Police are analyzing what they call "a large amount" of physical evidence.
A friend said Monday that Le never showed signs of worry about her own personal safety at work, though she did express concerns about crime in New Haven in an article she wrote in February for the medical school's magazine.
"If she was concerned about (it) she would have said something to someone, and they would have known," Jennifer Simpson told CBS' "The Early Show." "And Jon (her fiance) would have known, her family would have known, friends would have known."
Simpson said Le, a pharmacology student from Placerville, Calif., was friendly to everyone.
"She was a people person," Simpson said. "She loved people. She loved life. We just can't imagine anybody wanting to harm Annie."
In the Sierra foothills community east of Sacramento where Le went to high school, she was seen as a high achiever who knew early on that she wanted a career in medicine.
In a Union Mine High School yearbook from 2003, Le said her long-term goal was to become a laboratory pathologist and said it would require about 12 years of higher education.
"I just hope that all that hard work is going to pay off and I'm really going to enjoy my job," she said.
No one answered the door Monday at the Widawskys' gray, ranch-style home in Huntington, N.Y.
"He is a very nice young man," next-door neighbor George Mayer said of Jonathan Widawsky, a 24-year-old seeking his doctorate in physics. "His family, they're all just wonderful people – very, very nice people."
The university held a candlelight vigil Monday evening.
The death is the first killing at Yale since the unsolved December 1998 death of Yale student Suzanne Jovin. The popular 21-year-old senior was stabbed 17 times in New Haven's East Rock neighborhood, about 2 miles from campus.
Associated Press writers Dave Collins and Ray Henry in New Haven, Conn.; Susan Haigh in Hartford, Conn.; Frank Eltman in Huntington, N.Y.; Juliet Williams in Placerville, Calif.; and AP news researcher Rhonda Shafner in New York contributed to this report.
He, whose long wall the wand'ring Tartar
Leí, días pasados, que el hombre que ordenó la edificación de
la casi infinita muralla china fue aquel primer Emperador, Shih
Huang Ti, que asimismo dispuso que se quemaran todos los
libros anteriores a él. Que las dos vastas operaciones —las quinientas
a seiscientas leguas de piedra opuestas a los bárbaros, la
rigurosa abolición de la historia, es decir del pasado— procedieran
de una persona y fueran de algún modo sus atributos,
inexplicablemente me satisfizo y, a la vez, me inquietó. Indagar
las razones de esa emoción es el fin de esta nota.
Históricamente, no hay misterio en las dos medidas. Contemporáneo
de las guerras de Aníbal, Shih Huang Ti, rey de Tsin,
redujo a su poder los Seis Reinos y borró el sistema feudal;
erigió la muralla, porque las murallas eran defensas; quemó los
libros, porque la oposición los invocaba para alabar a los antiguos
emperadores. Quemar libros y erigir fortificaciones es tarea común
de los príncipes; lo único singular en Shih Huang Ti fue la
escala en que obró. Así lo dejan entender algunos sinólogos, pero
yo siento que los hechos que he referido son algo más que una
exageración o una hipérbole de disposiciones triviales. Cercar un
huerto o un jardín es común; no, cercar un imperio. Tampoco
es baladí pretender que la más tradicional de las razas renuncie
a la memoria de su pasado, mítico o verdadero. Tres mil años
de cronología tenían los chinos (y en esos años, el Emperador
Amarillo y Chuang Tzu y Confucio y Lao Tzu), cuando Shih
Huang Ti ordenó que la historia empezara con él.
Shih Huang Ti había desterrado a su madre por libertina; en
su dura justicia, los ortodoxos no vieron otra cosa que una impiedad;
Shih Huang Ti, tal vez, quiso borrar los libros canónigos
porque éstos lo acusaban; Shih Huang Ti, tal vez, quiso abolir
todo el pasado para abolir un solo recuerdo: la infamia de su
madre. (No de otra suerte un rey, en Judea, hizo matar a todos
los niños para matar a uno.) Esta conjetura es atendible, pero
nada nos dice de la muralla, de la segunda cara del mito. Shih
Huang Ti, según los historiadores, prohibió que se mencionara
la muerte y buscó el elixir de la inmortalidad y se recluyó en
un palacio figurativo, que constaba de tantas habitaciones como
hay días en el año; estos datos sugieren que la muralla en el
espacio y el incendio en el tiempo fueron barreras mágicas destinadas
a detener la muerte. Todas las cosas quieren persistir en
su ser, ha escrito Baruch Spinoza; quizá el Emperador y sus magos
creyeron que lá inmortalidad es intrínseca y que la corrupción
no puede entrar en un orbe cerrado. Quizá el Emperador quiso
recrear el principio del tiempo y se llamó Primero, para ser
realmente primero, y se llamó Huang Ti, para ser de algún
modo Huang Ti, el legendario emperador que inventó la escritura
y la brújula. Éste, según el Libro de los Ritos, dio su nombre
verdadero a las cosas; parejamente Shih Huang Ti se jactó,
en inscripciones que perduran, de que todas las cosas, bajo su
imperio, tuvieran el nombre que les conviene. Soñó fundar una
dinastía inmortal; ordenó que sus herederos se llamaran Segundo
Emperador, Tercer Emperador, Cuarto Emperador, y así hasta
lo infinito. .. He hablado de un propósito mágico; también cabría
suponer que • erigir la muralla y quemar los libros no fueron
actos simultáneos. Esto (según el orden que eligiéramos) nos
daría la imagen de un rey que empezó por destruir y luego se
resignó a conservar, o la de un rey desengañado que destruyó
lo que antes defendía. Ambas conjeturas son dramáticas, pero
carecen, que yo sepa, de base histórica. Herbert Alien Giles cuenta
que quienes ocultaron libros fueron marcados con un hierro
candente y condenados a construir, hasta el día de su muerte,
la desaforada muralla. Esta noticia favorece o tolera otra interpretación.
Acaso la muralla fue una metáfora, acaso Shih Huang
Ti condenó a quienes adoraban el pasado a una obra tan vasta
como el pasado, tan torpe y tan inútil. Acaso la muralla fue un
desafío y Shih Huang Ti pensó: "Los hombres aman el pasado
y contra ese amor nada puedo, ni pueden mis verdugos, pero
alguna vez habrá un hombre que sienta como yo, y ése destruirá
mi muralla, como yo he destruido los libros, y ése borrará mi
memoria y será mi sombra y mi espejo y no lo sabrá." Acaso
Shih Huang Ti amuralló el imperio porque sabía que éste era
deleznable y destruyó los libros por entender que eran libros
sagrados, o sea libros que enseñan lo que enseña el universo
entero o la conciencia de cada hombre. Acaso el incendio, de
las bibliotecas y la edificación de la muralla son operaciones que
de un modo secreto se anulan.
La muralla tenaz que en este momento, y en todos, proyecta
sobre tierras que no veré, su sistema de sombras, es la sombra
de un César que ordenó que la más reverente de las naciones
quemara su pasado; es verosímil que la idea nos toque de por
sí, fuera de las conjeturas que permite. (Su virtud puede estar
en la oposición de construir y destruir, en enorme escala.) Generalizando
el caso anterior, podríamos inferir que todas las formas''
tienen su virtud en sí mismas y no en un "contenido" conjetural.
Esto concordaría con la tesis de Benedetto Croce; ya Pater,
en 1877, afirmó que todas las artes aspiran a la condición de la
música, que no es otra cosa que forma. La música, los estados
de felicidad, la mitología, las caras trabajadas por el tiempo,
ciertos crepúsculos y ciertos lugares, quieren.decirnos algo, o algo
dijeron que no hubiéramos debido perder, o están por decir
algo; esta inminencia de una revelación, que no se produce, es,
quizá, el hecho estético.
Buenos Aires, 1950.
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