jueves, 23 de julio de 2009

East Harlem

Dead Man's Chest, Davy Jones'Locker y la torre de Babel sin duda son parte del imaginario literario o de la literatura fantástica, dirán algunos....La torre de Babel implica una arquitectura perversa, porque el desafiado es el mismo Creador-no él de la torre sino Él del Universo, y que en el Principio era el Significado (The Word)- y la amenaza los activos constructores que han dejado de percibirse correctamente. Esto es una tragedia pero no para El Creador. No obstante la "construcción" tristemente continua. La Torre es el Infierno!

Secret life of motivation man: Mystery swirls around death of Jeffrey Locker

Saturday, July 18th 2009, 4:00 AM

Just last month, a beaming Jeffrey Locker - devoted dad, beloved husband and successful entrepreneur - welcomed guests to his daughter's Long Island bat mitzvah.

"I'd never met a more devoted family," recalled longtime friend Steve D'Annunzio, one of many delighted guests. "He was a huge family man."

Barely a month after his 13- year-old's coming of age, Locker was discovered far from the family home - strangled and stabbed in his late-model car in an East Harlem housing project.

It was a gruesome death, incongruous with his American-as-apple-pie life: wife and kids, successful career, nice house in the 'burbs.

The slaying Thursday came with sordid speculation of a double life and dark secrets. A local teen said Locker bought a box of condoms at a nearby deli around 3 a.m.

Another resident said Locker's 2007 Dodge Magnum was regularly seen in East Harlem. Police trying to determine whether the revered motivational speaker was a regular customer of a Wagner Houses hooker.

Police sources said the 52- year-old victim withdrew $200 cash from an ATM machine an hour before his purported visit to the Wagner Deli.

Investigators found evidence that Locker made a series of calls Wednesday night to a particular apartment in the housing project.

Whatever happened in his life, there was no disputing how Locker died: A cord was wrapped tightly around his neck and the car's headrest.

Police suspect he was attacked by two killers - one in the backseat, another up front. One of them stabbed him, piercing his heart, lungs and liver and slicing his aorta.

A man and woman were later spotted using Locker's ATM card to make seven $200 withdrawals, starting about 4:30 a.m. Thursday, police sources said.

It was all a far cry from the hopeful promise delivered on Locker's Web site:

"Helping business people create more Peace, Joy and Fulfillment in all areas of their lives."

The circumstances and seedy conjecture didn't shake the faith of Locker's family and friends, who remain convinced he was an innocent victim.

"Jeff was an extraordinarily spiritual man," said Richard Pope, a Long Island businessman and family friend. "I've known him 3-1/2, 4 years.

"I've never seen him raise his voice. I've never seen him get angry."

Locker's wife, Lois, spoke to reporters outside the family's spacious two-story home in Valley Stream, L.I. The home features a brick walkway and a well-kept yard. A Lexus was parked in the driveway.

"I wish you could talk to the hundreds and hundreds of people my husband has affected positively," Lois Locker said. "Talk to them instead of reporting these innuendoes."

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