lunes, 1 de marzo de 2010

Dos colombianos murieron acribillados ayer en la tarde, cuando estaban dentro del Bar y Restaurante Atrapa2


Un grupo de asesinos a sueldo irrumpieron en el bar Atrapa2, ubicado en San Miguel de Santo Domingo de Heredia, y ejecutaron a tiros a Armando Emilio Herrera Saa y a Juvencio Mosquera Murillo (en la foto). Según las autoridades, ambos eran de nacionalidad colombiana. (Foto: Adolfo Alvarado)

Santo Domingo: sicarios los liquidaron dentro de bar


Manuel Estrada
Fotos: Adolfo Alvarado

Los socorristas trasladaron a Armando Emilio Herrera Saa, quien murió minutos después de ingresar al Hospital Calderón Guardia.
Dos colombianos murieron acribillados ayer en la tarde, cuando estaban dentro del Bar y Restaurante Atrapa2, en San Miguel de Santo Domingo, Heredia. Los sicarios no les dieron tiempo de defenderse y los extranjeros Juvencio Mosquera Murillo y Armando Emilio Herrera Saa quedaron atrapados en una lluvia de balas.

Los extranjeros llegaron a la 1 de la tarde junto con otro hombre en un vehículo blanco, que estacionó en la parte trasera del negocio. La tercera persona se tomó un refresco y se marchó, dejando a los dos hombres en el bar.

Poco después al lugar llegó un carro negro, del que se bajaron dos hombres fuertemente armados, uno de ellos disparó a quemarropa contra los sudamericanos.

Mosquera murió en el lugar porque cinco proyectiles se alojaron en su cabeza y cuello. Herrera falleció diez minutos después de ingresar al Hospital Calderón Guardia a causa de tres balazos, dos en los brazos y uno en la cabeza.

Las víctimas llegaron a la jaula de la muerte en el Toyota Hilux placas CL227154. Reinaldo González, oficial de la Fuerza Pública, descartó el asalto como móvil del asesinato.

“Tres hombres de raza negra ingresaron al bar, uno de ellos se paró en una silla porque lo tapaba una macetera y disparó sin contemplación. Al menos cinco casquillos de un arma calibre 9 milímetros quedaron regados en el suelo en medio de un charco de sangre”, declaró.


La salonera del local lo que hizo fue tirarse al suelo, aquello olía a pólvora, sangre y muerte.

El restaurante, de un ambiente tranquilo, se convirtió en la tumba de dos colombianos que quedaron como coladores, llenos de huecos.

No se habían comido las bocas cuando les recetaron plomo, el arma escupió fuego al mejor estilo de los gánsteres de la ciudad estadounidense de Chicago.

El trailero Carlos Ulloa almorzaba cuando escuchó los disparos. “Escuchamos una balacera mientras estábamos comiendo a la par del negocio, de inmediato se nos quitó el hambre. Fue impresionante ver la forma en que quedaron los dos cuerpos llenos de agujeros en la cabeza, mientras su sangre aún recorría su cuerpo”, narró.

Los dos hombres quedaron tirados en el suelo, boca abajo, en medio de un charco de sangre, a un lado de la mesa donde se habían tomado unas birras. Al parecer los extranjeros eran nativos de Buenaventura, principal puerto del Pacífico colombiano, por donde sale la cocaína que viaja a Norteamérica. Tenían siete años de vivir en suelo nacional.

Marie Osmond's 18-year-old son Michael Blosil ended his life

Click here to find out more!

Michael Blosil, Osmond Son: Friends Share Memories, Talk Night Of Suicide

Marie Osmond, Marie Osmond Son, Marie-Osmond-Son-Suicide, Michael Blosil, Michael Blosil Friends, Michael Blosil Suicide, Osmond Son Death, Entertainment News

Marie Osmond's 18-year-old son Michael Blosil ended his life Friday after jumping to his death from the balcony of his Los Angeles apartment. Michael's roommate and his best friend were with him in the moments just before his death, and they talk about that night and remember their friend in an interview with In Touch Weekly.

In Touch released the following statement:

Just days after the shocking suicide of Marie Osmond's son Michael Blosil, his roommate and best friend are speaking out to In Touch. "I am completely crushed and taken by complete surprise," says his closest confidante, Ruth Ann, to whom Michael had written his last words.

Despite reports that he suffered from severe depression, his loved ones insist that Michael was always in good spirits. "He was so jolly all of the time. He's probably the funniest, happiest guy I've ever met in my life. It's something I would never expect from somebody like him," his roommate, Sean Srnik, says. "Michael was far from friendless. His smile was contagious, and the impact he had on even casual acquaintances was beyond description. We will all miss him very much," a grieving Ruth Ann echoes.

Sean, Michael's classmate at the Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising in LA, adds that nothing seemed unusual the night the 18-year-old leapt to his death from their apartment balcony on February 26. "He walked in the door, and I was hiding behind the refrigerator. I popped out, and I was like 'Hey Mike!' and I gave him a hug. That's just how we are -- we joke around. Everything seemed fine, everything was just going as our daily lives go," he says.

According to Sean, Michael received a phone call at around 9:15 p.m. and left the room -- then the seemingly normal night spiraled out of control. "Ruth Ann ran in and asked, 'Where's Michael?'. We knew something was wrong. She grabbed the note and as soon as she started reading it, she started hysterically crying. I read the first three sentences of the note, and I realized exactly what was going on. While I was reading, she went to the balcony because she heard sirens. She looked down, and that's when she saw Michael," he hauntingly recalls, adding that Michael described his "last shower, last cigarette" and his and Ruth Ann's friendship in his handwritten letter, which he had placed on his bed for her.

Michael was pronounced dead after his 15-story jump immediately upon the fire department's arrival to the scene. Despite his grisly demise, Sean will remember Michael as a great friend. "He loved us all, and we all loved him," he concludes. Michael, who friends say was close with his superstar mother, Marie, will surely not soon be forgotten.

For more on Michael's tragic death, check out this week's issue of In Touch, on newsstands Friday.

Jesse -- whose father owns the "Browning Logging"


Ax Men' Star's Daughter Killed by Family Dog

'Ax Men' Star's Daughter Killed by Family DogThe 4-year-old daughter of Jesse Browning -- one of the stars of The History Channel's "Ax Men" -- died tragically yesterday in Oregon after being mauled by one of the family's pet Rottweilers.

Jesse -- whose father owns the "Browning Logging" company featured on the show -- called 911 around 1 PM after the dog attacked his daughter Ashlynn at the family home, this according to Clatsop County Sheriff Tom Bergin.

We're told Ashlynn was airlifted to the Oregon Health and Science University Hospital in Portland shortly after the attack ... but was pronounced dead on arrival.

We're told cops are investigating the incident.

Sheriff Bergin tells TMZ the dog involved in the attack -- along with another Rottweiler owned by the family -- was taken to a nearby animal shelter for a mandatory hold.

The family will be given three options on the fate of their dogs -- they can take them back into the home (with restrictions), adopt the dogs out to another family ... or choose to have them euthanized.

And there's this: Bergin said four months ago to the day, one of the family's other Rottweilers attacked another family member -- that dog was put down after the attack.